Reference examples#

This page shows the most common ways that sphinx-togglebutton is used as a reference. This is a benchmark for styling, and also helps demonstrate the behavior of this extension.

Use amongst text#

Here’s a paragraph, it’s just here to provide some text context for the togglebuttons in this section.


A test toggle admonition.

Here’s a paragraph, it’s just here to provide some text context for the togglebuttons in this section.

A test toggle directive.

Here’s a paragraph, it’s just here to provide some text context for the togglebuttons in this section.

Sequential toggle buttons#

Here’s how they look right after one another:

Admonition toggles#


This is my note.


This is my second.

Toggle directive#

This is my first.

This is my second.

Long titles#

A really long admonition that will take up multiple lines A really long admonition that will take up multiple lines

Admonition content.