# `sphinx-togglebutton` A small sphinx extension to add "toggle button" elements to sections of your page. For example: ## Collapse admonitions You can collapse admonitions (notes, warnings, etc) so that their content is hidden until users click the admonition title. ````{example} An example admonition toggle :reverse: :::{admonition} Click the title to toggle :class: dropdown This title was made into a dropdown admonition by adding `:class: dropdown` to it. ::: ```` See {ref}`dropdown-admonitions` for more information. ## Hide any content behind a toggle button You can also hide arbitrary content behind a toggle button. When users press the button, they will see the content. For example: ````{example} An example toggle directive :reverse: ```{toggle} This is a toggled content block! ``` ```` You can either do this with a `{toggle}` directive, or by adding a `toggle` CSS class to any elements you'd like hidden behind a toggle button. See [](use:css-selector) for more details. :::{admonition} Check out sphinx-design as well! :class: tip For a bootstrap-based "dropdown" directive that uses pure CSS, check out [Sphinx Design](https://sphinx-design.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dropdowns.html) ::: ## Installation You can install `sphinx-togglebutton` with `pip`: ```bash pip install sphinx-togglebutton ``` Then, activate it in your `sphinx` build by adding it to your `conf.py` configuration file, like so: E.g.: ```python extensions = [ ... 'sphinx_togglebutton' ... ] ``` See {ref}`usage` for information about how to use `sphinx-togglebutton`. ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 use reference/index changelog ```